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Our Services

 DWI Assessment

If you have been convicted of a DWI (Driving While Impaired) in the state of North Carolina, you must get a substance use assessment. A DWI Assessment is a face-to-face interview by a Licensed or Certified Substance Use Counselor, and it is used to determine if a person has a problem with alcohol or drugs.  Here are some things to consider:​​

  • Getting your DWI assessment prior to your court date is needed to obtain a Limited Driving Privilege.

  • You will have completed the North Carolina DMV assessment requirement needed to get your unrestricted license back.

  • Completing your DWI assessment and treatment pre-trial is a good idea.  Being proactive can sometimes reduce the level of punishment and may help you avoid active jail time.


Education and Treatment Programs

ADETS (Alcohol and Drug Education and Traffic School): 16 hours – This is the state-mandated curriculum for first time DWI offenders that meet certain requirements. If the convicted person did not refuse the breathalyzer test, does not meet diagnostic criteria for substance use diagnosis, and has a recorded Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .14 or less, they qualify for ADETS. 


Short-Term Outpatient Treatment: 20-39 hours – DWI offenders who have a previous DWI conviction, refused the breathalyzer test, or blew over .14, have previously completed ADETS, or met the criteria for a substance use disorder, could qualify for this program. Groups must take place over a minimum of 30 days or more, per state DMV requirements. 

Long-term Outpatient Treatment I: 40-89 hours – For offenders who meet diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder, moderate or severe or previously completed Short- Term Outpatient Treatment.  Groups must take place over a minimum of 60 days, or longer, per DMV requirements.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment II: 90 hours – Offenders that have previously been convicted of a DWI, have already completed a long-term treatment program, and/or are in active addiction could qualify for long term treatment. Participants in intensive programs must attend groups three times a week for no less than 90 days per state guidelines. DWI Assessments and Counseling Services does not provide Intensive Outpatient Treatment; however, our sister program Launch Pad Wellness does offer this level of care, or we can refer you to another local provider.  This level of treatment may also be billable to your health insurance.

Inpatient Treatment: Length of treatment is determined by treatment provider. Clients in active addiction who needs medical assistance or detoxification should seek inpatient rehabilitation treatment. DWI Assessment and Counseling Services does not provide inpatient treatment, but we can refer you to a local provider who does.  insurance often covers this treatment depending on your benefits.  

After-Care Treatment: 20 hours/varies - Follows inpatient treatment. Total treatment time can be no less than 90 days (from beginning of inpatient to cessation of after-care).


Out of State and In State Reviews - We are happy to assist clients who live out of state who are trying to resolve DMV issues that have arisen from NC DWI convictions.  Please contact our office for more information about this service.

DWI Assessments & Counseling Services LLC

201 North Front Street Suite 308

Wilmington, NC 28401

Phone: (910) 663-1543

Fax: (910) 312-3072


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